Sunday 30 September 2012

The Beat THAT Sentence Challenge TAG

During THE FEAST OF FOOLS a sudden UNEARTHLY FIRESTORM from ACROSS THE UNIVERSE brought with it a BLACK DAWN that made everyone SHIVER, EVERLASTING SILENCE followed creating a CITY OF LOST SOULS, starting a CHAIN REACTION until the world was like a GHOST TOWN, and people were DREAMLESS, their lives turned INSIDE OUT until A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES walked the BLOOD RED ROAD willing to fight until their LAST BREATH, used BLOOD MAGIC and a TOUCH OF POWER to banish the SWEET EVIL, with PRIDE, to THE VICIOUS DEEP, 20 THOUSAND LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA, where it was WRECKED, and will FOREVER LINGER, while the world is ILLUMINATED and full of DREAMS HEREAFTER, it won't forget the TEMPEST that now LIES BENEATH that almost caused humanity to FADE OUT.

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