Thursday 6 June 2013

Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by Booking Through Thursday and a different question is posted every week.

What makes you choose the books you read?
Genre? Reviews? Certain authors? Covers? Recommendations?

A mixture of all of the above really.  I have my favourite authors where all they have to do is release a new book and I'm sold.
As part of the book blogging and vlogging community I see tons of reviews for books that I might not ordinarily have come across, and they catch my interest so I get them.
I wouldn't say I ever buy a book just based on the cover alone, but when you're book browsing that's the first thing that catches your attention, and with such a myriad of stunning covers out there of course I'm a sucker for them and if it has a nice cover, I'm halfway to buying it, if it's in my favourite genres (e.g YA paranormal romance, YA/NA contemporaries) then I'm in.


  1. Being a part of the book blogging community, I've come across a bunch of books I never would have knew existed. It definitely widen my reading world. :)

    Here's mine:

  2. Finding Goodreads was huge as far as my book reading goes. A cover and well written blurb factor in to my decision to read something as well as my mood.
    2 Kids and Tired Books BTT
